The cultural association Aarhus Volume Is a team of young entreprenuers who create and facilitate cultural events, mainly within music.

aarhus volume

The Association was founded in 2016 and today it is located at Institut for (X) at Godsbanen in Aarhus K. Since the association was founded it has delivered countless of parties and concerts. Above everything else is the annual festival "Under Gaden" that takes place beneath Ringgadebroen. The association has its main focus on the underground environment and to represent the urban musical genres.



Aarhus Volume has from its beginning pushed the limits for what you can achieve as a young cultural entrepreneur.

See all of our projects

A core value that Aarhus Volume have worked with and build it self around from day one is team spirit and the feel free to fuck up philosophy. Today Aarhus Volume have an office with a handful of employees. Besides that the association consist of an exciting mix of people. Crew and all the voluntary power is the whole basis of existence for the association.

Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up
Feel free TO fuck up
Feel free to fuck up

Our Office

Our office is a nice mix between some of the founding member who started everything and some of the ones who later joined to stay. All the projects we do couldn't have been without the whole team.

Jonas B. Kobberø

Head of communication and graphics

Albert F. Helmig


Jonas B. Kobberø

Kommunikationschef og Grafiker

Albert F. Helmig

Daglig leder, Hovedbooker og Talsperson

Laura Ellen Charlotte Ib Carlsen

Ansvarlig for Ekstern Produktion

Tilde Sol Holst

So-me medarbejder og content creator

Lasse Raaby Thomsen


Laura Ellen Charlotte Ib Carlsen

Manager of External Production

Tilde Sol Holst

So-me employee and content creation

Lasse Raaby Thomsen

Head of Production

Contact us
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Our board

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We push limits

Aarhus Volume have from its beginning pushed the limits for what you can achieve as a young cultural entrepreneur. Aarhus Volume have created 50+ events and delivered festival productions and stage designs to SMUKFEST and SPOT Festival among others. Besides that the association have been able to participate constructively in the growth layer scene in Aarhus and increased is opportunity to be more visible.









See our projects